
Data Transfer Nodes (DTN): moving data efficiently across Research and Education Networks
09/06 08.30 - 10.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The transfer of large scale science data requires optimal end-to-end throughput. Data Transfer Nodes (DTN) are used to enhance performance. In this BoF, we will discuss how the GÉANT project can help NRENs and end users find the best solution for their needs, fostering the dissemination and collaboration around DTN-related use cases, applied methodologies, hardware and software systems and tools, performance analysis and troubleshooting. The session will feature a set of short talks from invited experts in the area, the results of the survey around DTNs will be presented and the different solutions and currently existing tools will be discussed.
Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUC)
eduMEET - web basad videoconferencing system for research, edu and art societies
10/06 15.30 - 16.00 | Demo Room
Following soon
Bartlomiej Idzikowski (PSNC)
eduVPN - update and meet-up
11/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
This BoF is for people interested in eduVPN. Since our meeting last year at TNC19, the number of NRENs and institutions using the service has grown. This meeting aims to present the status of the service, answering questions from NRENs and research and higher education institutions and gathering new requirements.
Tangui Coulouarn (DeiC)
End-to-end circuit provisioning over disaggregated optical networks
10/06 12.45 - 13.15 | Demo Room
Following soon
Jan Kundrát (CESNET)
Exploring strong authentication use cases in federations
12/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
A community-driven discussion around MFA and strong authentication in identity federations, to share updates and ideas on what federations are doing in the space. The intended audience is Federation operators, IdP administrators, and research infrastructure operators with an interest in enabling and leveraging strong authentication to services through research and education federations.
Justin Knight (Jisc)
09/06 08.30 - 10.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
Meeting for Filesender funders and users past, present and future. The meeting will be an opportunity to catch up on the development work within the project, the proposed development roadmap and new feature requests, and broader project developments such as new market sectors and project rebranding.
Jan Meijer (Unit)
Guido Aben (AARnet)
FIM / ORCID Affinity Group
11/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
Collaboration between ORCID, Federations, and FIM solutions has grown. Federations lead ORCID consortia of institutions; ORCID sign in has been considered as an IdP of Last Resort for research collaboration tools; ORCID iDs are included in the eduPerson schema; and iDs are sometimes used to better understand identity linkages when individuals change institutions. Conversations happen globally among ORCID, federation operators, practitioners, software providers, and standards committees, though rarely over the entirety of this group at the same time.
Here we convene to consider strategic topics that involve the ORCID platform or iDs, and deepen collaboration among the ORCID and FIM communities.
Laura Paglione (Spherical Cow Group)
GÉANT Cloud Training: Strategy, Security, Privacy and much more
08/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The workshop is an interactive one-day event aiming for critical questions and solutions about cloud strategy, public and private clouds, pricing models, security, privacy and much more. The training is a wake-up call to deploy clouds: brainstorming about major challenges, exercises, debates, demos and real life scenarios.
How would you address them? Come and find out.
Maria Ristkok (N/A)
Global Cloud Collaboration Meeting
08/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The Global Cloud Collaboration Meeting provides a space for NRENs and regional networks from around the globe to share their experiences, successes and challenges in delivering cloud services (commercial or NREN-provided)
to their user communities, and discuss collaboration opportunities to maximise the benefits to the global community of cloud service engagement activities by NRENs.
Tom Fryer (GÉANT)
Global eduroam Governance Committee
11/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
Description following soon
Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
Mobility Day
12/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
Mobility Day is an annual event that is part of the GÉANT Community Programme (GCP) and was put in place as an annual check to replace the more regular TF-Mobility meetings. Mobility Day has taken place at TNC since TNC16.
The day typically covers topics including govroam, eduroam, 4G, 5G, hotspot 2.0 and other mobility related topics.
Mobility Day is supported by the GeGC.
Number of meetings:
1 GeGC meeting (morning)
1 Open session (afternoon)
Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
Multi-layer What-If (bad things happen to my network) Analytics Tool
11/06 12.45 - 13.15 | Demo Room
Muse What-If Analytics guides network planners on how to optimize their network’s ability to sustain failures and assure SLAs. It covers:
· Creating a multi-layer packet-optical topology in real time from real data.
· Understanding the service impacts of stress testing the topology under multiple large and small failure scenarios.
· Simulating the network’s ability to maintain SLAs by applying dynamic protection and restoration schemes.
· Generating custom reports for taking preventative actions.
Maor Leon (ECI Telecom)
NRENs educational technologies workshop?
12/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The workshop will be discussing future strategies on how the NREN community can support educational institutions with innovative technologies. The first part of the event will be used to give more indepth overview of various NRENs educational services, how they are organized and managed within their organization. With specialised topics such as eduID, edubadges, accessibility, standardization…and more, we would like to discuss possibilities for future collaborations, challenges and good practices. Furthermore the workshop will introduce the new Task force (TF) on education within GEANT Community programme.
Co-organisers: Birgitta Hemmingsson (SUNET), Erik Kikkenborg (NORDUnet), Vegard Moen (UNIT), Esther Wilkinson (Jisc), Dragana Kupres (CARnet), Gyongyi Horvath (GEANT)
Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT)
NREN Space Strategy Workshop
11/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
European NREN CEO, CTO, Research Engagement and European Policy officers.
Chris Atherton (GÉANT)
OpenID Connect Federation Policies
12/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The workshop will discus how federation operators can use the policy tools provided by the OpenID Connect Federation specification (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-federation-1_0.html) to model their federations. The intended audience are present and future federation operators.
The tools in question are:
- Metadata policies, which can be used to govern the behaviour of the federation entities
- Trust path constrains which sets limits on the depth of the federation and on who can be part of it
- Trust marks, which can be used to classify entities.
Roland Hedberg (N/A)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Provisioning of IaaS/PaaS services
11/06 13.20 - 13.50 | Demo Room
With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can provision highly available Compute instances on Bare metal servers without a hypervisor, ensuring full network isolation. You can leverage the same cloud-optimized hardware, firmware, software stack, and networking infrastructure for your Virtual Machine instances as well. Find out more about BM and VM instances (HPC, GPU, etc.) and view a quick demo on how to launch an instance/cluster through the OCI web console.
Peter Szegedi (Oracle)
Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV)
08/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
As the complexity of networks and service delivery grows, the requirement to automate deployment and ongoing operations is becoming ever more important. This side meeting is an opportunity for TNC participants interested in broader adoption of orchestration, automation and virtualisation (OAV) principles to share their experiences and best practices and to learn about what other members of the community (GÉANT, NRENs and others) are doing in this area.
The session will be led by members of the GN4-3 Network Technologies and Services Development team and will include reporting on the work done within the GN4-3 project and discussion on a wide variety of topics including architectures, tools, techniques and use cases.
Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUC)
P4 for Line Rate Packet Processing for Edge Computing
11/06 10.30 - 11.00 | Demo Room
Following soon
Gordon Brebner (Xilinx Labs)
Yatish Kumar (ESnet)
12/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
perfSONAR is an advanced network performance monitoring system, developed jointly between GN4-3 project members and US partners and deployed widely around the world by NRENs and research communities. This side
meeting will be an opportunity for TNC participants interested in perfSONAR to get together, hear and discuss the latest news and use cases and help shape the future perfSONAR releases.
Ivana Golub (PSNC)
QKD and the R&E community
08/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Brighton
To address the increased interest in quantum technologies in the GÉANT community, this side meeting will facilitate discussion between TNC participants to further explore the topic, with a particular focus on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).
Several European NRENs have already joined quantum technology projects to provide support for their research communities (e.g., to provide testbed connectivity). In addition, some NRENs are exploring the possibility of providing services based on QKD, and are working towards designing architectures and testbeds for future deployment.
The meeting, organised by the GN4-3 "Network Technologies and Services Development" and "GÉANT Research Engagement and Support" teams, will provide the opportunity for participants including NRENs and quantum hardware vendors to present their current and planned future work on QKD and for the audience to discuss in more detail their specific interests
- N/A
08/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
REFEDS (Research and Education Federations) was created to bring together Research and Education Identity Federations and other parties interested in Identity Federation to discuss common practices, policies and procedures in
particular to address inter-federation use-cases.REFEDs meeting are primarily addressed to identity federations operators and service providers operating in the R&E community. However REFEDs meetings are open to anybody
interested in better understanding the Identity Federation business. The meeting at TNC20 will be the 42nd REFEDS meeting. More information can be found on the REFEDS website at: www.refeds.org.
Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
Security Day 2020
12/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
Following a successful event at TNC19, the second annual Security Day for the R&E community is organised jointly by the Security work package of the GN4-3 project, SIG-ISM, WISE, EOSC-hub, EDI, and WLCG security communities.
Preliminary topics discussed:
· Security work package overview
· WISE: Security for Collaborating Infrastructures (SCI) and Security Communications Challenge Coordination (SCCC)
· Trust and Policy issues related to Edge services (SLATE) - current state of play
· Federated Identity Management and operational security efforts
· NREN becoming a security service provider. What is next for the GÉANT service portfolio?
· Top 10 risks / threats for NRENs
· DDoS detection and mitigation
Sigita Jurkynaite (GÉANT)
SIG Marcomms
08/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The GÉANT Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications and Global PR Network will explore challenges and opportunities in marketing communications for research and education networks. Participants will share experiences, best practices and ideas.
Anyone with an interest is welcome to join.
If you have any suggestions for topics or would like to offer a presentation, contact Laura.Durnford@geant.org
Preliminary agenda: https://wiki.geant.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=133762873
Laura Durnford (GÉANT)
SIG-Transnational Education (SIG-TNE)
11/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The Special Interest Group on Transnational Education, SIG-TNE, promotes collaboration between research and education networking organisations around the world in supporting the provision of education that is developed in one country and delivered in another.
Areas of interest include:
- Basic connectivity approaches for campuses in other countries.
- Establishing relationships with local partners (internet service providers and national research and education network organisations).
- Connecting policies and end-to-end network performance.
- Monitoring and international support.
This session will cover an overview of the TNE workplan and its main four workstreams:
- TNE data – regional, national and global
- Global TNE policies
- Technology barriers and TNE service development
- Tools, toolkits and resources.
Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT)
Software IPR
12/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The Software IPR side meeting is an opportunity for TNC participants interested in intellectual property aspects of software development. The session will focus on sharing best practices in terms of licence compliance and legal due-diligence in the creation of open source software as well as discussion regarding legal challenges in software development.
Magdalena Rzaca (Geant)
The Interactive Global R&E Network Map
09/06 15.30 - 16.00 | Demo Room
Following soon
Ryan Davies (CANARIE Inc.)
Bharti Nagpal (N/A)
Tom Fryer (GÉANT)
TNC20 Conference Dinner
10/06 19.00 - 23.00 | Venue to be announced
- N/A
TNC20 Kick-Off Party
09/06 20.30 - 00.00 | The Mesmerist
Following last year’s success, TNC will host its second Kick-off Party on the first day of the conference to set the scene for TNC20, get everybody making waves together and networking.
The party will take place at the Mesmerist, a stylish and sophisticated lounge bar located right at the heart of the famous Lanes - this beautiful, historic area has been the main hub of Brighton since the 1700s, and is known for the unique shops and bars that inhabit its winding streets.
Come to spend time with old friends, meet new ones and mingle with all of us in a fun, relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Drinks included (max 3 alcoholic drinks and unlimited for non-alcoholic drinks) and live music!
Please, note that you MUST take your conference badge with you to join the party.
The Mesmerist
1-3 Prince Albert St
- N/A
TNC20 Opening Reception
09/06 17.30 - 19.00 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
The Opening Reception will take place at Hilton Brighton Metropole, TNC20’s venue, right after the last parallel session of the day on Tuesday 9 June. Join us and take the opportunity to socialise with other delegates, meet the speakers and engage with our sponsors. Finger food and drinks only.
- N/A
Trust & Identity Incubator input session
09/06 08.30 - 10.30 | Hilton Metropole Brighton
This BOF is a session to collect input for, and discuss future activities of the Trust & Identity Incubator. The T&I Incubator, which is part of the GEANT project, uses an agile approach to work on various topics in the Trust and Identity space. As such it engages with new topics every six months. This meeting is an open session which welcomes all Trust and Identity specialists in the R&E community attending TNC20.
Niels van Dijk (SURFnet)
Jule Ziegler (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
Michael Schmidt (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
Vulnerability assessment as a service - GARR SCARR
10/06 10.30 - 11.00 | Demo Room
Following soon
Fabio Farina (Consortium GARR)
Simona Venuti (Consortium GARR)